I believe in the British people and I believe in our great institutions. Britain has always been at its Greatest when it has taken a leading role around the world; not by shying away from the troubles of our neighbours, but by extending our hand. I want to reenergise our legendary global diplomatic and aid networks and export world-leadin
I believe in the British people and I believe in our great institutions. Britain has always been at its Greatest when it has taken a leading role around the world; not by shying away from the troubles of our neighbours, but by extending our hand. I want to reenergise our legendary global diplomatic and aid networks and export world-leading renewable energy technology to emerging economies. The clear multiplier to British influence around the world is through (though not necessarily ‘in’) the European Union and we should work to build bridges with our neighbours as a matter of urgency.
Britain's First Past the Post electoral system is unfit for purpose, creating scores of "safe seats" around the country, preventing smaller parties and independents from getting elected and disincentivising the larger parties from working with others. A system of Proportional Representation will make Britain a fairer, more democratic coun
Britain's First Past the Post electoral system is unfit for purpose, creating scores of "safe seats" around the country, preventing smaller parties and independents from getting elected and disincentivising the larger parties from working with others. A system of Proportional Representation will make Britain a fairer, more democratic country and enable the public to hold their politicians to account. Nothing can more effectively unlock Britain's future than electoral reform.
For a fairer, more prosperous country we must drive Social Mobility at every level of society and in every sector. That begins with our children. They are our future and our most valuable resource - every child should be given the opportunity to reach their potential; through a revolutionary curriculum, out-of-school opportunities, an edu
For a fairer, more prosperous country we must drive Social Mobility at every level of society and in every sector. That begins with our children. They are our future and our most valuable resource - every child should be given the opportunity to reach their potential; through a revolutionary curriculum, out-of-school opportunities, an education system which recognises diversity and a society which celebrates it. For our children to thrive, first our teachers must be able to thrive.
As a Liberal, my place will always be between you and any attempt to dilute your rights, whether the threat is from a foreign agency or, as is the case in 2024, your own government.
I will defend your right to protest, to free speech, your right to dignity and to democracy. Whilst accepting that the safety and security of British people
As a Liberal, my place will always be between you and any attempt to dilute your rights, whether the threat is from a foreign agency or, as is the case in 2024, your own government.
I will defend your right to protest, to free speech, your right to dignity and to democracy. Whilst accepting that the safety and security of British people underpins everything else, I will be a political force for your liberty.
To get Britain moving forward, we need an economic system which benefits small and medium-sized businesses, whist attracting and rewarding investment by international business. We must remove the barriers to EU trade which were installed by the Conservatives and incentivise environmentally-responsible productivity.
Conservation, not exploitation. Sustainable energy and measures which protect (and increase) biodiversity are key to the preservation of our environment. I have a long and proud history of marine conservation – I will be a force for the environment, biodiversity and climate.
Every aspect of Britain’s Statehood relies on its capacity to defend itself. Crucial to this capability are enduring commitments both to NATO and to our Nuclear Deterrent.
Decades of cuts both to workforce and infrastructure have left our Armed Forces at breaking point - these cuts must be reversed.
Britain must create a society which rewards Service and celebrates our veterans
The NHS must be protected from privatisation, for all of our sakes. ‘Clap For Carers’ was the height of hypocrisy from a Government which later admonished striking NHS staff. Reinstating Freedom of Movement with the EU will rejuvenate the workforce with enthusiastic, skilled migrants who’ll keep our NHS running whilst we educate and train the next generation of Doctors, Nurses and Carers.
Agricultural self-sufficiency or a close-proximity to it is vital to Britain’s security in an uncertain world, where climate change is a direct threat to international food production and where Britain’s international logistical chain is uniquely vulnerable.
We cannot stop immigration. Wherever there is conflict or difficulty, there will be movement of people. Instead, it must be managed. The issues which plague the government in 2024 are of its own making. By cutting off legal routes to the UK, through which migrants can be recorded and processed, whilst pointing the finger at foreign g
We cannot stop immigration. Wherever there is conflict or difficulty, there will be movement of people. Instead, it must be managed. The issues which plague the government in 2024 are of its own making. By cutting off legal routes to the UK, through which migrants can be recorded and processed, whilst pointing the finger at foreign governments we need to cooperate with, The Conservatives’ have created a double-edged problem. We must invest in the Border Force and Processing Systems, cooperate with our neighbours and reopen legal routes to the UK.
Cameron Thomas
9 Church Street, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 5PA
Promoted by K. Usmar on behalf of Liberal Democrats at Priory Farm, Hazleton, Gloucestershire, GL54 4DX.